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New Heights Memphis
New Heights Memphis is a vibrant, growing community that goes so much farther than a Sunday morning service. We try to live out the values of the Early Church and we are devoted to prayer, to fellowship, to the teaching of the Word and to breaking bread together! We are a diverse and growing community, and we believe God is calling us to make a deep and wide impact on our community and world. As a non-denominational church, we come from many different backgrounds and experiences, but we unite together around our mission to love God passionately and love people tangibly.
Seen by God and seeing others as He sees us.
Loved by Him and loving others as He loves us.
Sent by Him to make disciples and teaching others to do the same.
New Heights Memphis exists to glorify God by creating an atmosphere of reconciliation and revival that launches blessings to our city and world.
Join us for church every Sunday morning at 9:45 inside Mullins Methodist Church at
4 N Mendenhall Memphis, TN 38120
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